The following are some important items and dates to remember. Each announcement is tagged with a program to help our members know which items are most important to them.
- Fall #tangsoo Chisholm Community Education classes are currently underway.
- Fall #tangsoo #haidong Students should be setting goals, using their journals and practicing at home for the best results.
- Nov #kigong Chisholm classes with Mrs. Wickstrom will continue in the social hall of Faith Lutheran Church and on Zoom Tuesdays and Saturdays at 9:00am.
- Nov #kigong Virginia classes with Mrs. Ekmark will continue at Olcott Park on Tuesdays 11:00am, weather permitting.
- Nov #kigong Palo classes with Mr. Wilkes will continue at the Loon Lake Community Center on Thursdays at 10:00am.
- Nov 3 #tangsoo #haidong Color belt Intent to test form and testing fees due. Don't miss this date if you want to test.
- Nov 14, 16, 21 #tangsoo Color belt testing & all rank review 4:30 - 6:15pm.
- Nov 23 #tangsoo #tigers Color belt and Tiny Tigers promotion and demonstration 4:30 - 6:30pm - all ranks.
- Nov 23 #haidong Color belt testing will be held during normal class time.
- Nov 28 #tangsoo #haidong Winter season begins! With the winter season start, open enrollment is available through December 30.
Students and parents: Don't forget to get into the appropriate BAND for the program(s) you are part of. This is our preferred way to stay in touch with instructors, get important announcements, and even share pictures and videos from class and events. BAND is not tied to a social media network, it is for communicating with our students and instructors. There are often posts found in BAND that are not anywhere else in our communications (class sign-ups, additional class information). It is also where you will learn when classes have been canceled! If you have problems getting into Band, talk to an instructor.
Tang Soo Do (karate)
Haidong Gumdo (swords)
Do you like what we do? Are we providing a positive experience? Do you have questions, suggestions, or would like to offer help? If so, let us know! Contact us with your feedback! Criticism is just as important as praise as it helps us evaluate everything that we do. or Contact an instructor.